A blog post with a short bit of information about St. Patrick and his feast that includes a recipe for Irish Soda Bread and an idea for making it as a treat for children. Find It. Did you…
Lent: How Could Asceticism Be Helpful to Me?
A short post on the idea of asceticism in spiritual growth – as a part of the experience of Lent. Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Who Can I Blame for the Mess We’re In?
A blog post dealing with conflict and the human tendency to divide into groups of Us vs. Them. Looks at ways this can happen, results of the process and suggests an alternative approach. Find It. Did you like this?…
Transfiguration – A Puzzle
This is a puzzle suitable for use by all ages. The theme is the Transfiguration. Available for download in color or as a black and white page that can be used for coloring. Find it. Did you like this?…
Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting – Lenten Practices in Our Lives Today
A blog post for the beginning of Lent. What do these ancient practices mean today and how might they be part of a Lenten journey? Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
The Eternal Present – Living in the Now
A blog post contrasting the experience of a small child and an adult as together they move through and learn to notice the Present in their day. Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet