A reflection on the relationship between spiritual growth and discernment, with examples of ways that ordinary choices are forms of discernment that help us in our spiritual growth. Dr. Mahan is a trained spiritual director and writes from years of…
Tag: rcia
Quote of the Day — Thomas à Kempis
A blog post featuring one of Thomas à Kempis' insights into God's way of valuing human endeavors. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Blessed Julian of Norwich Feast Day — “All Is Well,” by Susan T. Mahan, PhD
A blog post introducing English mystic, Blessed Julian of Norwich. Dr. Mahan is a specialist on mystics and has done in-depth research on Julian. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Seven Gifts and Nine Fruits — Come, Holy Spirit!
A blog post introducing the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and the Nine Fruits of the Spirit that flow into the world through the actions of those who receive the Gifts of the Spirt. Find It. Did you…
The Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and the Seven Gifts: Why It Matters, by Susan T. Mahan, PhD
This blog post provides some background on the Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit before moving on to a consideration of the gift of Knowledge. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
What is Holiness? Is it Wholeness?
In this blog post, Susan Mahan explores the idea of holiness from a variety of perspectives. Which of the many voices we hear around us and within us are the ones to heed? Find It. Did you like this?…
Blessed Adolph Kolping – Caring for Workers and Families
This son of a shepherd, a shoemaker by trade, managed to gain an education in Germany in the 19th century, and become a priest. Expecting to spend a life teaching, he instead spent his life organizing communities of mutual support…
Fidelius and Diabolus: Tim Tebow, Jesus, and Saturday Night Live
One in an on-going series of dialogues between a man and his conscience. Reflection the question of how prayer and divine intervention play a role in everyday activities. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
“Confirmation: Sacrament of the Spirit” an article by Rev. Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M., S.T.D. in Millennium Monthly – August 1998
This is a good article on Confirmation, including its place in the Sacraments of Initiation and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. (Other articles that were in the same issue are also included in this link.) Find it. Did you…