This blog post provides some background on the Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit before moving on to a consideration of the gift of Knowledge. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Category: Youth Ministry
What is Holiness? Is it Wholeness?
In this blog post, Susan Mahan explores the idea of holiness from a variety of perspectives. Which of the many voices we hear around us and within us are the ones to heed? Find It. Did you like this?…
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with Irish Soda Bread
A blog post with a short bit of information about St. Patrick and his feast that includes a recipe for Irish Soda Bread and an idea for making it as a treat for children. Find It. Did you…
Transfiguration – A Puzzle
This is a puzzle suitable for use by all ages. The theme is the Transfiguration. Available for download in color or as a black and white page that can be used for coloring. Find it. Did you like this?…
Driven into the Desert
A lenten puzzle based on the readings for the 1st Sunday of Lent, Cycle B. Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Church History: Faith Handed On, by Kevin L. Hughes, Ph.D.
Church history is the story of faith handed on, of how fallible human people, given by God to be members of the Body of Christ in the Church, have struggled to live out the Gospel in the very concrete circumstances…
Scripture: Nourished by the Word, by Margaret Nutting Ralph, Ph.D.
The book contains the basic and preliminary information that you and your fellow adult Catholics need to know to correctly understand Scripture. We all know from history, and perhaps from our personal experience, that some people use the Bible to…
Blessed Adolph Kolping – Caring for Workers and Families
This son of a shepherd, a shoemaker by trade, managed to gain an education in Germany in the 19th century, and become a priest. Expecting to spend a life teaching, he instead spent his life organizing communities of mutual support…
Fidelius and Diabolus: Tim Tebow, Jesus, and Saturday Night Live
One in an on-going series of dialogues between a man and his conscience. Reflection the question of how prayer and divine intervention play a role in everyday activities. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
“A Matter of Life & Faith!” DVD/CD by Jesse Manibusan
Jesse Manibusan, "A Matter of Life & Faith!" is a DVD/CD live concert (2 discs). Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet