This great feast of Epiphany, the shining forth of the Lord’s splendor from Israel into the world at large, reminds us of our call as the People of God: a call to care for each other so that the splendor…
Category: Catechetics
Las Posadas: Food, Fiesta and Community
Celebration of Las Posadas is a Mexican Catholic Advent tradition that marks the beginning of the Christmas season. Taking place from the 16th-24th of December every year, Las Posadas is a nine day community celebration in preparation for the birthday…
Rejoicing When Our Hearts are Breaking
During the third week of Advent, we are called to rejoice because the Lord’s coming is imminent. The very name of the third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete, comes from the first word of the Entrance Antiphon for the day’s Mass,…
Does Immaculate Conception Mean Virgin Birth?
Two concepts related to Mary the mother of Jesus, virgin birth and immaculate conception, are frequently confused. This post is focused on the development of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Dorothy Day: Servant of God and Follower of Christ the King
Dorothy Day, cofounder with Peter Maurin of the Catholic Worker Movement, died 32 years ago, on November 29, 1980. Like many other activists who have struggled for social justice and worked among the poorest, most forgotten members of society, she is…
4 Catholic Educators, a website by Giles Côté
The web site seeks to assist Catholic teachers and catechists in their role as educators of the faith by providing them with easy access to free online resources. Together with its sister site, Resources for Catholic Education and Catholic…
Resources for Catholic Educators
A site filled with resources that can be used by Catholic educators in their work. Includes lesson plans, clip art, lives of the saints, Biblical studies, Church history, and many other topics. Curated by Gilles Côté, this site and its…
The Fruit of the Spirit: A way to live a transformed life, by Susan T. Mahan, PhD
In his letter to the Galatians (5:22-23), Paul speaks of the “Fruit” of the Spirit. He uses this term in the singular, implying there is just one fruit, with nine aspects or expressions. Susan Mahan notes that Paul does not…
The Seventh Gift: Awe and Wonder (Fear of the Lord), by Susan T. Mahan, PhD
When I stare at the night sky, especially if I am out in the country, I get almost overwhelmed at the immensity of the universe. I am in awe of the beauty of the stars and then amazed at a…
The Feast of Corpus Christi: Celebrating the Mystery of Divinity Transforming Humanity
Known as the solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ and celebrated on the Sunday following Trinity Sunday, the Feast of Corpus Christi has been officially celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church since the mid-thirteenth century. This…