Black Saints, Mystics and Holy Folk: The Ancient African Liturgical Church – Volume 1, by James Wesley Smith

Africa taught Baby Jesus. Maryam guided His Egyptian education. The Ancient African Liturgical Church (Universal) shows 56,000 plus saints to 599 A.D., including Desert Fathers, Saints Macarius, Augustine, Maura, Athanasius, Catherine, Maurice, Cyprian, Antonia, Talida, Spera, Valeria, and Clement of…

Black and Catholic: The Challenge and Gift of Black Folk : Contributions of African American Experience and Thought to Catholic Theology (Marquette Studies in Theology), edited by Jamie T. Phelps

This text seeks to address the issue of education for African-American Catholics. The book argues for reform in Catholic higher education, suggesting that particular attention be paid to the inclusion and integration of the African-American experience in Catholic theology. Find…

Big Island Liturgy & Arts Center (BILAC)

The Big Island Liturgy & Arts Center (BILAC) is a non-profit organization established in 2003 to promote educational & liturgical experiences celebrated with the Hawaiian Culture. The Center also promotes retreats and sponsors workshops for spiritual growth in the faith-life…