This blog post provides some background on the Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit before moving on to a consideration of the gift of Knowledge. Find It. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Category: Spirituality
A Christian’s Guide to Judaism, by Michael Lotker
A Christian's Guide to Judaism is an introduction to Jewish religion, history, culture, and holidays written especially for the curious non-Jew. This much-needed book provides Christians with a broad overview of the Jewish people and their religion, presents thorough explanations…
How Can God Heal Abuse and Trauma? by Susan T. Mahan, PhD
Insights from a survivor of childhood abuse regarding the journey of seeking and finding divine healing. Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
What is Holiness? Is it Wholeness?
In this blog post, Susan Mahan explores the idea of holiness from a variety of perspectives. Which of the many voices we hear around us and within us are the ones to heed? Find It. Did you like this?…
Celebrations and Heartbreaks – There’s Always a “Day After”
A reflection on the common experience of highs and lows in life, each followed by a "day after" in which we find that life goes on and we bask in the grace received or begin to heal from the hurts.…
Providence/Grace and Free Will, by Susan T. Mahan
"We live in a world where we often feel pressured to prove that God exists and then we can be at a loss in explaining where God is. Out in the world of work, everyone is supposed to pretend that…
The Church: LA Religious Education Congress, by Susan T. Mahan
A blog post from the 2012 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Reflection on the common theme heard in workshops and conversations about the importance of reconciliation, spiritual direction and evangelization regarding the need for God in our world today. Find…
Asceticism and Mysticism – The Two are Linked, by Susan T. Mahan
A short explanation of the relationship between asceticism and mysticism and their connection to spiritual growth. A follow-up post to Lent: How Could Asceticism Be Helpful to Me? Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Lent: How Could Asceticism Be Helpful to Me?
A short post on the idea of asceticism in spiritual growth – as a part of the experience of Lent. Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Almsgiving, Prayer and Fasting – Lenten Practices in Our Lives Today
A blog post for the beginning of Lent. What do these ancient practices mean today and how might they be part of a Lenten journey? Find it. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet