This is the third in the series which completes the liturgical cycles A, B, C all written by Megan McKenna. Megan is the first author selected by Claretian Publications to write the Bible Diary for 3 consecutive years. It contains…
Category: Prayer
Best Practices for Parishes – Home page
Best Practices for Parishes (BPP) is a self-study tool that enables parishes to assess seven dimensions of parish life using best-practice statements drawn from church documents, pastoral experiences, and ministry experts. The assessments become the basis for planning and implementing…
Be Mindful of Us: Prayers to the Saints, by Anthony F. Chiffolo
Be Mindful of Us is an extensive treasury of prayers to saints and Blesseds from around the world, one for every day of the year, including a brief biography of each. Covering the entire Christian era–with a special emphasis on…
Awake My Soul: Contemporary Catholics on Traditional Devotions, by James Martin
As the liturgical reforms of the last four decades have given much of Catholic worship a decidedly Protestant patina, many Catholics have continued to find meaning in such distinctive devotional practices as praying the Rosary and venerating the saints. These…
Asking God for the Gifts He Wants to Give You, by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker
A straightforward presentation of the idea of prayer and learning how to request and receive the gifts God has for us. Find it here. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
Self-Donation is not Self-Mutilation: The Spiritual Practice of Attention to Others
Self-donation is the spiritual practice of attention to others. It does not refer to any sort of self-mutilation or injury but rather to the self-control and self-knowledge that allows one person to be attentive to another person. In this post,…
Seeking God, Decision-Making and the Ignatian Examen, by Susan Mahan, PhD
A blog post presenting the Ignatian Examen as a useful tool in the spiritual journey. Peace and freedom are both hallmarks of a good relationship with God, as well as essential characteristics of good choices when decisions must be made.…
An Advent Gift
A prayer for Advent and Christmas from Terry Hershey’s Sabbath Moment. Find it here. Did you like this? Share it:Tweet
A Retreat With Thea Bowman and Bede Abram: Leaning on the Lord (Retreat With– Series), by Joseph A. Brown
This retreat series offers you the opportunity to make a retreat with some great saint or holy person from history. Favorite authors weave the mentor’s own words into seven days of prayer and deepening acquaintance. Find it here. Did…
A Prayer for Peace
On this anniversary of the terroist attacks on September 11, 2001, may we join with people of faith and hope from around the world and from all faiths in praying for peace and understanding. This prayer is from a website…